Our patient-centered approach ensures the specialized plan of care understands the importance of patient choice and self-determination comfort, while at the same time honoring their wishes. We recognize that the needs of those we serve encompass unique physical, psychological and emotional challenges that can alter at any time and that our patients have various social and spiritual requirements.

Our priority is to ensure the quality of life and service to patients. We focus on managing symptoms and allowing for a pain-free care plan while patients experience the support of loved ones in the comfort of their own homes.


Levels of Care

Hospice offers four levels of care to our patients and their families. Each of these levels is customized to meet the individual needs of the patient. In addition, each level includes provisions for the physical, psychological and emotional needs of patients and their loved ones.

The four levels of hospice care include:

Routine Level of Care

Routine level of hospice care is provided in the patient’s home, or wherever they call home, including assisted living communities, nursing homes and long-term care facilities.

Hospice General In-Patient Care

Available for those patients experiencing acute or severe pain or symptoms that cannot be managed in the home, this level of care allows for patients to be admitted to a hospice in-patient unit, a hospital or a skilled nursing facility until pain and symptoms can be managed, which is usually three to seven days.

Continuous Care

This level of care is offered to patients during a period of crisis in order to keep them at home. Provided by nurses and certified nursing assistants, continuous care allows the team to gain control over the patient’s acute symptoms and pain. Other members of the hospice team may participate in patient care during this time.

Respite Care

Respite care is commonly used when the patient’s caregiver(s) would benefit from a break from the day-to-day responsibilities of caring for a patient in a home setting. Specifically, respite care is provided in an approved facility and is generally limited to five consecutive days at any one time